The final of the transnationals project meetings took place in Trnava, Slovakia on 19th of October 2023, under the leadership of Dr. Masaryková. This gathering brought together all participating parties to address crucial aspects of the project’s conclusion and future dissemination.
During the meeting, significant emphasis was placed on finalizing outputs, ensuring accuracy through meticulous corrections and editing. Additionally, discussions revolved around the construction and optimization of the project webpage, a pivotal platform for showcasing our achievements and disseminating information to a broader audience.

Furthermore, meticulous attention was devoted to the finalization of budget administration procedures, ensuring transparency and accountability in financial matters. Concurrently, deliberations were held concerning learning, teaching, and training activities, essential components for the project’s overall success.
Another essential agenda item was the planning of Multiplier Events, strategic occasions aimed at maximizing the impact of our project outcomes. Moreover, meticulous planning was undertaken regarding the reporting process, crucial for documenting and evaluating project progress and outcomes.

In summary, the final meeting in Trnava was instrumental in consolidating our efforts and ensuring the successful conclusion of the transnationals project. We look forward to sharing our achievements and insights with you through our project webpage in the near future.